On behalf of our DACA/Dreamer clients, thank you Attorney General Mark Herring for allowing these students to receive in-state tuition at Virginia’s colleges and universities. In-state tuition will benefit our Dreamer clients greatly. In their hearts and minds, the Dreamers have always felt like they were American due to the length of time most of them have lived in the United States. Indeed, most of our clients are typical American kids. They look and talk like Americans, say “like” in between every three words and want to drive, go to school and just fit into the society in which they’ve lived their whole lives. What young person doesn’t want to just fit in and succeed? We can all relate to this.
One of my clients from Brazil who wishes to become a graphics designer said “having a chance to go to school, get a Social Security Number and a driver’s license is like breaking out of prison.” In-state tuition for these young people will allow them to further their dreams of going to college, working, and assisting their parents any way they can. Hats off to Virginia’s Attorney General and to the Dreamers who will not only benefit greatly from in-state tuition, but who no doubt will give back to society.
Are you a Dreamer, and have you applied for in-state tuition in Virginia? Share your experiences with our DACA/Dreamer community in the comments section below.